Saturn Power.

 In the same way that the sun provides essential energy to a farmer’s crops, it also plays an integral role in providing a clean, renewable and sustainable source of energy, helping to ensure the long-term ecological prosperity of our planet for generations to come. 

Our team is committed to developing utility-scale solar projects that meet the needs and specifications of each individual proposal. Our comprehensive solar strategy requires a thorough analysis of the various markets and programs available for development. We also work diligently to assess the needs of stakeholders while working to establish a long-term connection between our technology and the land. At Saturn Power, we employ a diverse, dedicated and knowledgeable team of experts who rely on their extensive skills and innovative strategies to suit the specific needs of each project. With our proven track record in the solar industry, Saturn Power is confident in our ability to develop, construct and operate large scale solar projects across the globe.

149 MW


of solar being developed, built or operating.



homes could be powered by the solar portfolio.





Developing natural energy solutions is more than addressing immediate needs. It's approaching every project with a genuine interest and respect for the land: today, tomorrow and well into the future. 


This video shows a sample of the renewable projects we have been proud to develop since our inception and offers a glimpse of our capabilities within the industry. 



COMMUNITY At Saturn Power, we take pride in the communities where we live and work. We strongly believe in the merits of meaningful, collaborative community consultation. Our company also works diligently in an effort to build strong, valuable and enduring relationships within the community.   

CORPORATEBalancing ecological expectations alongside the need for project viability happens through inventive planning and mindful execution, taking both aspects into account. It is more than possible to achieve cost-effective, efficient and
productive results, while still respecting the environment - it's our commitment.   

LANDOWNERWe understand that your land may have significance to you that extends beyond financial considerations.  We start our process by listening and understanding. Then we work hard to develop and implement solutions that are beneficial to all involved - the landowner, Saturn Power and the environment.